The truth is that ignorance is not bliss when it comes to your skin. In fact, it can lead to wasted money, disappointment, and a nagging sense of insecurity about your skincare, makeup approach, and authentic overall confidence.

Too Many Voices, Not Enough Personalization
For starters, who do you listen to and trust?
Magazines, YouTube beauty vloggers, Instagram influencers, beauty experts, books, TV shows? The list goes on. The overwhelming amount of disharmonious advice centred around celebrities and models is enough to make anyone give up.
So you might throw in the towel and say: “You know what? The cleanser and moisturizer I got at the moment, which I’ve used for a while now, will just have to do.”
But guess what? This is one of the hidden beauty blind spots you want to ditch!
The Frustration of Finding
Your Beauty Blind Spots
I’m with you on this one: The frustration when hidden blind spots harm your skin and beauty goals. Finding your individual beauty roadmap without subconscious beauty sabotage can be confusing. Your beauty journey needs to be healthy, safe, and tailored to your skin’s needs and lifestyle; not just a brand’s vision of you.
The “Excuse” Trap and Why It Doesn’t Work
Okay, let’s expose some major self-induced obstacles that stand in the way of getting that healthy-looking skin so many of us dream of; or that makeup look we aspire to—whatever that may be.
One obstacle is called “Excuses,” and that strategy works for a while.

You probably know what I mean by that, and you yourself might have used one of the following excuses:
- I’m too busy. I have x number of kids and run around all day for my family or job, so there is really no time to spend on me.
- Okay, I’ve noticed some unwanted changes in my skin. I’m tempted to buy that cream from the last beauty product ad in Vogue, which states it includes real gold particles. However, I think the products I’ve used for years are still great!
- Nothing can really help with ageing skin... it’s just a fact I have to accept. I like the natural look anyway
- I’ve trusted my routine and am not willing to potentially mess it up – even though I haven’t seen any real improvement in how I look for one year or more
Until it all comes sneaking back in, and you say:
“I should be doing something about my skincare routine to make sure it really is the right one for me or start using makeup more wisely.”
The Vicious Cycle of Subconscious
Beauty Sabotage
Now, can you guess what happens next?
- You go through the latest tips&tricks in beauty magazines
- talk to your friends
- watch the most recent Beauty YouTube episodes
- or look for advice at the beauty counter in your favourite department store.
What you walk away with is often this, though:
- I can’t see any difference really with this new serum!
- I hate beauty product shopping. I end up buying too many things that cost a lot of money but don’t give me the results I want.
- There are no good options for my skin type somehow.
- It looked so much better on that celebrity /model/YouTube beauty blogger—what am I doing wrong?”
Sound familiar? We’ve all been there. Younger or older – we’ve all suffered from the beauty blind spot carousel. All of this ends up being the very definition of running your skin around in circles.
The merry-go-round needs to stop now.
Break the Cycle of Frustration with
Information, Knowledge, Action
Now, I hear you! You know all this already, right?
By now, you’ve probably heard all there is to know about what works for you and what you should do.
So please be aware and tuned in on yet another self-induced obstacle:
The one little destructive thought that we all have that likes to pop up in our minds from time to time. That little thought can keep you stuck in a rut, preventing you from growing in your knowledge and awareness, which, in my opinion, is one thing in our lives we should never stop doing.
And that little thought is:

Let me tell you about what I learned about this topic a few years ago. It’s a fantastic technique called “Thrive 5” from a human behaviour expert and international speaker, Justin Cohen. One part of this technique is to ask yourself, “What can I learn from this and do about it?” This is a compelling question! As crazy as this sounds, it really shifts your thinking process.
So when that little destructive thought of “ I know this already” comes up, ask yourself instead: “ What can I learn from this ?”
You can always learn something new, right?!
It may refine or give you a new perspective on your beauty routine that you are already familiar with. Or what you think you know already is not at all what it makes itself out to be once you see past the hype and the hearsay.
The Beauty Blind Spot Merry-Go-Round
Let’s Look at The Solid Facts
If you don’t have reliable, indisputable, noticeable results in your skincare from what you think you already know – then the chances are high that you probably don’t know it all yet. And when you ask yourself then: “What can I learn from this?” you will be open to looking for new answers, insights, and facts about your beauty blind spots. And that will move you to a place where you are indeed able to avoid products and/or ingredients that could be sabotaging your skin’s health and glow.
So, EMBRACE the fact that you might not know it all yet and that what you don’t know CAN hurt you. Being aware of your beauty blind spots will open the door to take action. You and your skin are unique and you should treat it that way
If you’re a disheartened beauty enthusiast, serious about getting rid of your subconscious beauty blind spots and unlocking the secrets to your most radiant skin, it’s time to take action! And, yes, you can stop unintentionally sabotaging your skin.
Click Here to find out more and how I can help you clear that beauty trap.